A Message from Al Shattuck, Post 7507 Commander
We’re in the process of improving our site to better serve you. Soon, we will have more features for you to stay up-to-date.
Features like :
Useful Links to Veterans Information
Status of Capital Building Campaign Contributions
Post 7507 Local Recognition
Be involved in your community by participating in a variety of services offered to enhance the lives of veterans and families in the Fountain Hills area. Volunteer!
For more than 100 years the VFW has been an advocate and strong supporter of patriotic and educational programs for our country’s youth. Annually, VFW and Auxiliaries donate millions upon millions of hours mentoring youth groups, visiting hospitalized veterans, volunteering in community kitchens and blood drives.
At VFW Post 7507, Veterans are helping veterans and their families through encouragement and information about resources. As an example, we help veterans in the Fountain Hills area fill out the paper work for compensation claims. We educate veterans about the availability of health services. We offer fun, family activities and camaraderie to fellow veterans and their families.
At VFW Post 7507, our members are truly like our family. This VFW Post and its Auxiliaries supports a variety of programs. Please get involved assisting Veterans in our area. We also need your assistance in the fundraising for our "Capital Building
Campaign" to support a building for Post 7507 and to serve as a Veteran's Community Service Center.
Thank you for visiting and please review the site often to stay informed as to Post 7507 activities and programs!
2013/2014 OFFICERS
Commander Al Shattuck
shattuckal88@gmail.com 602.615.0025
Sr. Vice Commander Phil Yin philyin@msn.com 480.845.4083
“Love riding my Harleys every weekend, love my guns, once a Marine, always a Marine! Helping Veterans is what it’s all about! God Bless America”
Jr. Vice Commander Kevin Wood Starryan1@cox.net 480.628.3665
“I love Phil’s Harleys too!”
Adjutant Carl Krawczyk c.krawczyk@hotmail.com 480.215.3899
Quartermaster John Sujak Azkid50@aol.com 480.399.7005
Chaplain Lou Maegdlin Marlou113@cox.net 480.837.9042